Blue Flame Morning Tea

January 31, 2023 - Well Come

Blue Flame 47

Part One:

  • (John 15:12-13 ESV)  “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.”
  • As our love matures, we come to terms with the fact that love hurts. 
  • Sometimes love means laying down our emotional well-being because we trust that God’s got us.
  • We may need to lay down our protection in order to be set free.
  • Laying down our emotional well-being takes the greatest courage. This is maturing love.

Part Two:

  • When we come into a new field, or a field changes seasons, there’s a period of acclimation. 
  • Our fields are now expanded, and we will have a new and multiplied harvest. 
  • We’re welcoming the move of the Spirit in our lives to nurture and navigate us in the new and expanded lands. 
  • We want no stone unturned so that every new seed may prosper. 
  • The Light has a further reach than it ever has before. 
  • We’re meant to make The Story more accessible to others. We’re not just telling a story; we belong to the story. 
  • Welcome the Spirit to come and move and shift things so all can grow. So we can grow together.